An investigation into a lone wolf attack of a man in Port Edward, approximately 125 kilometres west of Terrace, is being investigated by the Conservation Office.
“The attack happened shortly after 11 p.m. on Friday, as the man was walking home,” the Conservation Office reported on their Facebook page.
“Conservation Officers have interviewed the man in hospital. He suffered injuries that are not considered life-threatening.”
They say it is too early to say whether this is the same wolf or wolves that were in the Prince Rupert area.
Conservation Officers are now working to locate the wolf and advising area residents at this time to be aware of their surroundings if outside and walk in groups if possible. They are also asking that dogs be tied up in yards and not let out to run loose in the community.
Further details will be released as the investigation continues.
BC WIldlife says that Wolves also known as the grey wolf, western wolf, and northern grey in BC, is the largest of the North American canines. It is estimated that there are approximately 8,500 wolves in BC.
Wolves are closely related to coyotes and domestic dogs but have noticeable differences. Wolves are larger than coyotes and have a broader snout and rounded ear tips. While running, wolves tend to carry their tails out behind them unlike coyotes that will carry their tails downwards.
Wolves can have a variety of coat colours including black, mottle gray, brown and white. The black coat color is a result from wolves interbreeding with dogs over 45,000 years ago.
Wolves can weigh from 30-50 kg in BC with females being about 20 per cent smaller.
Report sightings to the #RAPP line.