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SE: LRF appeals – demands a wolf cull

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

The Federation of Swedish Farmers in western Sweden is appealing the county administrative board’s decision to not allow a wolf cull.

LRF wanted the provincial government to allow the culling of a wolf on Kroppefjäll after several attacks on sheep in the Fargelanda and Mellerud areas.

“The sheep industry is already strongly pressed in terms of profitability without the effects of wolves. The attacks on domestic animals in the area have resulted in both economic losses through increased costs for livestock farmers and there is an imminent risk that the resulting serious injury worsens,” says Paul Christensson, President of the Federation of Swedish Farmers Västra Götaland, in a press release.

CAB’s said no to a cull hunt earlier this week. According to the provincial government, it may be difficult for the remaining wolf to feed their pups if a wolf in the wolf pair with puppies is shot. The remaining wolf would be tempted to easier prey rather than a moose. To shoot the wolf could thus increase the risk of sheep being attacked.

That reasoning the LRF does not buy. It refers to things that went well at another time – in Bredfjäll’s territory – to shoot one wolf in a set of parents without attacks being increased. Therefore the LRF now appeals to the Environmental Protection Agency the decision not to shoot the wolf .
