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SE: The wolf hunt is appealed

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

The Hunters National Association is now appealing the decision on license hunting on wolves and wants to shoot 63 instead of six wolves.

Kjell Emilsson is chairman of the Swedish National Confederation of Swedish Hunters in Värmland and he believes that he has chosen to appeal because he considers that the award is too small.

“Six wolves in allotment are nothing here in Värmland when we have so much wolf and trouble,” says Kjell Emilsson.

And instead of the six wolves assigned in this year’s hunt, the Hunters National Association wants to shoot 63 animals.

“If the government decision on 270 wolves is to be reached, we have to put off 63 here in Värmland,” he says.

But despite the appeal, Kjell Emilsson does not believe in a higher instance.

“This is a mark against government, I do not think we will be approved in court, but it is a mark against politicians that they must address this problem,” said Kjell Emilsson, chairman of the Hunters National Association in Värmland.
