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SE: Wolf killed after attacking a dog

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

A wolf was killed on Sunday morning, after attacking a hunting dog close to Likenäs in northern Värmland.
“A hunter screamed something inadequate before shooting, but the wolf did not react,  the wolf would just want to take the dog,” says wildlife officer Margaret Akerman.
Despite warning shots and shouts continuing the young female wolf continued the attack and the dog owner’s lethal shots were absolutely correct, according to the regional authority’s judgement.
“It is probably from 2-3 meters when I shoot, and had I only been five seconds later my dog would have been dead,” says the hunter, who wishes to remain anonymous when talking to the newspaper Svensk Jakt.
The terrier ended up in “severe shock” with two deep wounds on his back, but is believed to have been rescued by its signal vest.
The Swedish wolf was considered in the 1970s extirpated but the number of wolves according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is now stable at just over 400 animals.
