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Two wolves killed near Cora

Two wolves killed near Cora

by Cat Urbigkit

Federal wildlife officials shot and killed two wolves last Friday morning
near Cora after the animals had killed livestock over a period of several
weeks on a private ranch in the area.

All told, four head of yearling cattle were killed by the pack of four or
five wolves. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service noted that the pack of four
had been using the area, which is located between two state-managed elk
feedgrounds. Two radio-collared wolves remain in the area, although the
collar is reportedly not working on one of the animals.

FWS reported: “Agency control has been completed unless other depredations
are reported but the landowner still has a shoot-on-site permit for two

FWS also responded to the brucellosis situation in the county, stating in
the agency’s weekly wolf update report: “The cooperative study of wolf and
elk interactions near elk winter feedgrounds by FWS, Wyoming Game and
Fish, U.S. Forest Service and Grand Teton National Park has begun … The
elk are currently widely scattered and have not started to intensively use
the feedgrounds.

“Apparently a second case of brucellosis in cattle was confirmed in
Wyoming and the state may lose their brucellosis free status which may
affect Wyoming cattle markets. Some have tried to falsely stretch this
issue to implicate wolves, i.e. wolves pushed the elk off the feedgrounds
to mix with cattle and this caused cattle to become infected. If it were
only that simple.”

In other wolf news, federal law enforcement agents recently confirmed
poisoning as the cause of death of a gray wolf in Idaho, and are seeking
information from the public to help solve the crime.

The collared wolf, known as B-143, was found to have been killed by a
poison known as Compound 1080. The animal’s carcass was found six miles
northwest of Clayton, Idaho, last May. Compound 1080 (sodium
fluoroacetate) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, water soluble, highly
toxic chemical. The misuse of this chemical is unlawful. This chemical can
be ingested by livestock, family pets, hikers, and children and can result
in death from respiratory failure, seizures and heart attack. Animals or
small children are most susceptible to poisoning due to ingestion, but the
substance’s toxins can also enter animal or human bloodstreams through
contact with abraded skin or wounds, or through the respiratory system if
dust particles are inhaled.

“We are very interested in finding whoever is responsible for the crime.
If anyone has information about the illegal killing of wolves, please
contact the Service’s law enforcement division. Callers may remain
anonymous,” said Scott Kabasa, a special agent in FWS’s Boise field

The killing of an animal protected under the Endangered Species Act is
punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and one year in jail. FWS is
offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to an arrest or
conviction of the person or persons responsible for the poisoning of
