Written by Katie Lusso
Our state didn’t get the slogan “Wild and Wonderful West Virginia” for nothing. Luckily we’ve got plenty of wild places to visit across the state. One of those wonderful spots has some new residents.
Three wolf puppies and a golden eagle are the newest addition to the wildlife center in French Creek, which is one of the few places you can go to see all different animals from across the country.
The golden eagle came to the wildlife center thanks to the WV Rehab Center, but it’s the furry neighbors that are getting most of the attention. About a month ago, three male wolf puppies joined the other animals thanks to a donor who wished to remain anonymous. The 13 week-old puppies recently moved in with the other wolf they have who’s now five years-old.
Workers say this is an exciting time for them and for anyone who comes to visit. They add that having animals like this attract new visitors, something Upshur County is constantly trying to do.
The WV State Wildlife Center is open 365 days a year, and if you stop by before April 1st admission is free.