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OR: Wolf activity reported

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife reports wolves are on the move in Umatilla, Union and Wallowa counties. There are now three new areas of known wolf activity which means livestock producers in those areas should work on non-lethal deterrence methods.

OR-30 is a male wolf that dispersed from the Snake River Pack and spent much of last year in the Mt. Emily, Starkey and Ukiah units. Near the end of the year, he was observed with another wolf in an area formerly used by the Umatilla River Pack. Since May OR-30’s radio-collar locations show he is primarily ranging around the Starkey and Ukiah units and makes infrequent visits to the Mt. Emily unit. He is believed to be alone.

OR-35 dispersed from the Minam Pack in August, 2015 and originally ranged the Minam and Keating units. This year, after traveling through four counties in northeast Oregon and visiting Washington state, OR-35 has been in the western portion of the Sled Springs Unit since early May. It is unknown if she is traveling with another wolf.

ODFW has documented resident wolf activity has returned to the Chesnimnus Unit and biologists will continue to monitor the area in an attempt to learn more about those wolves. The area was previously the home to the Chesnimnus pair, which moved to the Sled Springs Unit permanently and has produced three pups. Those wolves are now called the Shamrock Pack.
