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CA AB: Where’s the beef — wolves want to know


Southwestern Alberta is prime beef country — for both ranchers and wolves.

Cattle grazing in areas north and south of Pincher Creek account for almost half of wolves’ diet in the summer and early fall.

“During grazing season, cattle are far and away the most important prey for wolves,” said Mark Boyce, professor of biological sciences and a wildlife ecologist, who has studied feeding habits of both wolves and grizzlies in the Waterton Lakes to Kananaskis area.

During the months of June through October when livestock are out on open range, cattle account for 45 per cent of wolves’ diet compared to 22 per cent deer and 13 per cent elk. In winter months, when cattle are back on ranches, that drops substantially to be only 12 per cent of what wolves eat.

In a study between 2008 and 2010, researchers used GPS radio telemetry to find spots where wolves congregated for more than three hours — likely kill sites. They then analyzed the scat left behind to determine what they had been feeding on.

A grizzly bear relocated from Chain Lakes to Grand Cache after it attacked cattle.

A grizzly bear relocated from Chain Lakes to Grand Cache after it attacked cattle.

While Boyce says wolves “are the biggest problem as it relates to beef producers,” other predators such as cougars and grizzlies present other problems. Cougars don’t eat a lot of cattle, preferring llamas instead while grizzlies are scavengers that like an easy meal.

He noted boneyards, where ranchers dispose of dead stock, are a major attraction for all three carnivores.

“They systematically go from boneyard to boneyard checking up to see if anything fresh has been put on.”

He said changes to regulations on livestock disposal in the early 2000s led to an increase in animal-human incidents. As rendering companies began to charge for their services, many ranchers opted to leave cattle carcasses on the land. Research showed an average of 1,500 carcasses were collected for rendering before the regulations changed. Afterwards, that dropped to 300 animals, resulting in more than 1,000 carcasses left on the landscape or roughly 320,000 kilograms a year of available meat for scavengers like wolves and bears.

Boyce says other disposal methods such as carcass bins or composting can reduce predation. And he believes regulations need to be relaxed to allow ranchers to remove dead stock quickly and easily, especially in southwestern Alberta.

That part of the province, where large predator habitat butts up against grazing land, represents three per cent of Alberta’s land but accounts for 37 per cent of all claims paid for predator-killed livestock.

“This is an area of intense overlap of large carnivores and cattle so the magnitude of conflict is more severe there than anywhere else in Alberta.”
