MI: Wolves on Isle Royale are adapting well, feeding on moose and beaver
December 5, 2019
WI: Protected wolves cause livestock losses
December 4, 2019
MI: New Isle Royale wolves are eating more than just moose, researchers find
December 4, 2019
WI: Iowa and Wisconsin news in brief
December 2, 2019
WI: As wolves recover, calls in Wisconsin to end endangered species listing grow
November 30, 2019
MN: DNR plans to update state Wolf Management Plan, invites public to join committee
November 27, 2019
MI UP: Bridge: Investigation into wolf kills connects to DNR, politicians
November 27, 2019
MI UP: Dana Nessel to review Michigan DNR handling of wolf kill records
November 26, 2019
MN: New leadership at International Wolf Center
November 22, 2019
MN: Lead Voyageurs wolf researcher is learning about their summer lives
November 22, 2019