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MI: DNR appeals court decision to move wolves to endangered species list

MICHIGAN — A 2014 federal ruling returning Michigan and Wisconsin wolves to the federal endangered species list will be challenged as the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced today they will be appealing the decision.

The December ruling from the federal district court returned all wolves in Michigan and Wisconsin to the endangered species list, while moving wolves in Minnesota to federal threatened species list. This came after a lawsuit was filed by the Humane Society of the United States and restricts the killing of wolves, unless in self-defense.

The ruling also suspends all lethal control laws, permits and control methods, including the killing of wolves attacking livestock or dogs and the killing of wolves by DNR officers to manage other wolf conflict.

The Humane society argued wolves were not being managed in a responsible fashion.

DNR officials disagree.

“Wolves in Michigan and the other western Great Lakes states are fully recovered from endangered species status, which is a great success story,” said Russ Mass, DNR Wildlife Division chief, in a press release. “Continuing to use the Endangered Species Act to protect a recovered species not only undermines the integrity of the Act, it leaves farmers and others with no immediate recourse when their animals are being attacked and killed by wolves.”

The appeal was filed by the Michigan Attorney General in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and asks the court to uphold the December 2011 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision, which removed the Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment — including Michigan and Wisconsin — from the federal endangered species list.

According to the release, Michigan is 15 years past population recovery goals set by the federal government. Based partially on this, the DNR is arguing against the federal district’s ruling which states wolves must recover across their historic range, including Mexico and the lower 48 states, before Michigan’s wolf population can be removed from the endangered species list.

The appeal will also argue against the court decision and belief that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service failed to demonstrate the Michigan wolf population was protected by Michigan laws and regulations.

“Returning wolf management to wildlife professionals in the state of Michigan is critical to retaining a recovered, healthy, and socially accepted wolf population in our state,” said Keith Creagh, DNR director, in a press release. “Michigan residents who live with wolves deserve to have a full range of tools available to sustainably manage that population.”

Michigan’s current wolf population is 636 in the Upper Peninsula.
