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MN: Minnesota Wildlife Tracking Project enlists volunteers

Ann Wesssel

Midwest Mountaineering Outdoor Adventure Expo presenter Jonathan Poppele started a Twin Cities tracking club. Now he wants to get volunteers involved in tracking wolves at the edge of their range.

ZIMMERMAN – Three tracks on a gopher mound.

For the animal that left it, a direct path to the next meal. For Jonathan Poppele, a reason to stop and consider the three elements of tracking — prints, trails and habitat.

From the symmetrical ovals formed by triangular pads and four forward-pointing toes tipped by thin, soil-puncturing claws, Poppele knew these came from a canine. From their appearance on the well-trodden Blue Hill Trail in Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, he knew it was a canine on the path of least resistance. (Well-fed and with energy to burn, pet dogs tend to bound after every distraction.) From a conversation with refuge Manager Steve Karel, he knew bobcats and fishers were rare. Coyotes possible. Fox most likely, with red fox more prevalent than gray.

Red fox.

The method applies to all animals.

Poppele wants to train volunteers across the state to document wolf tracks.

At the Midwest Mountaineering Outdoor Adventure Expo on Nov. 22, Poppele will present a session about the Minnesota Wildlife Tracking Project, which he founded and directs.

The citizen science effort could augment distribution and abundance data. Ultimately, Poppele said it could serve as a common-ground starting point for conversations between those divided over wolf hunting.

The gray wolf, aka timber wolf, was removed from the federal Endangered Species List in January 2012, which opened the door to hunting.

“It gives us a foundation for having more difficult conversations,” Poppele said as he crouched over the fox tracks, back to a brisk wind sweeping the oak savannah. “I really just see humanizing and civilizing the discussion as the end goal, not just the means.”

Wisconsin started a similar volunteer tracking program in 1995, once the state’s wolf population started growing faster than Department of Natural Resources staff could keep up with it.

Jane Wiedenhoeft, assistant carnivore biologist with the Wisconsin DNR, said nearly 140 DNR-trained volunteer trackers were involved last year. Volunteers help count the wolves in 159 survey blocks — 660 animals, as of April — and to map wolves’ locations.

Wisconsin aims to count every single wolf.

“We couldn’t do our count if we didn’t have our volunteer program and the volunteers collecting data for us,” Wiedenhoeft said.

Whether the Minnesota DNR finds the information useful is one factor that will determine whether the Minnesota Wildlife Tracking Project continues. For now, Poppele is concentrating on scheduling the first training sessions — likely in the Twin Cities, possibly in late December.

Volunteers would start in the classroom and move on to field work with trained trackers, progressing from simple data collection to basic ID with photographic proof to field work employing scientific techniques.

They’ll likely start by distinguishing dog tracks from those left by red and gray fox, coyotes and gray wolves. Because of its proximity to the Twin Cities, Poppele wants to focus on the southernmost edge of Minnesota’s gray wolf range, which runs south of Mille Lacs Lake and the Rum River State Forest and then follows the edge of the conifer forest northwest. He’ll look for willing partners.

At Sherburne, Poppele led the way on a loop popular with dog-walkers. And deer. The occasional fox. And raccoon.

“The first thing I’m scanning for is what we would call a natural track trap,” Poppele said. That might be mud. Or sand. Both turned up on the Blue Hill Trail.

From a line of deer tracks, Poppele narrowed down the when, why and how. He said trackers ask many of the same questions journalists do — who, what, when, where, why and how.

In this case, knowing the time of the last rain helped answer when. The dog tracks provided a possible why. The deep impressions themselves answered the how (running).

“You can plop down on just about any spot of dirt and start asking those journalistic questions and hang out all day,” Poppele said.

Poppele, 43, makes a living writing nature guidebooks, occasionally works part time as an adjunct biology or writing instructor at the University of Minnesota, offers life coaching and teaches martial arts. About a year ago, he started a Twin Cities-based tracking club.

“Tracking is just a way of never being bored again,” Poppele said.

More than that, Poppele said tracking is a way people can connect with the natural world — something he said is easier done with more colorful, gregarious species such as birds than with furtive, gray or brown mammals.

“Tracking allows us to get that same engagement with the animals that don’t have the same visibility,” Poppele said.
