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MT: Additional wolf trapping class set for Saturday in Hamilton

By PERRY BACKUS – Ravalli Republic

The second round of wolf trapping classes will begin in western Montana Saturday in Hamilton.

Officially that class is full, but Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wildlife manager Mike Thompson said no one will be turned away.

“That’s assuming that it’s not hundreds who show up,” he said.

All people who want to participate in Montana’s first wolf trapping season later this year are required to complete the daylong class that includes time on subjects like ethics and wolf behavior and a field session on how to properly set traps.

The class at the Bitterroot River Inn starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.

“So far, this has been extremely rewarding,” Thompson said. “It’s been good to get trappers together with people interested in learning how to trap.”

More than 330 people were certified in the first round of six classes in western Montana. Another six have been scheduled in Hamilton, Missoula and Anaconda.

Thompson said he’s received quite a lot of good feedback from the people who have attended the classes so far.

“Folks come to these on a Saturday or Sunday kind of scratching their heads and wondering why this is necessary,” he said. “They end up learning a lot about a subject that they’re interested in. They seem to be pretty satisfied.”

The classes are taught by people who have actually trapped wolves in Alaska and Idaho.

The first round of classes was designed to handle about 50 students. The upcoming class size will be closer to 70.

The final two classes in Missoula and Anaconda on the first weekend of December will be open to 100 students.

Thompson said it’s likely that not everyone who takes the class will actually set a trap line this year.

“I think we have a good mix of people,” he said. “Some are already capable trappers and others are just there to check it out and learn about it.

“The best part is they get to meet one another,” Thompson said. “We are encouraging people to try to help each other during the trapping season. We’re only as strong as the weakest point.”

To learn more about the classes or to register, people can go to
