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MT: FWP gives initial approval to expanded wolf harvest

By EVE BYRON Independent Record

The liberalization of Montana’s wolf season took a step forward Thursday after the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department gave initial approval to a highly controversial plan that includes allowing wolf trapping.

More than 100 people crowded into the meeting with about 60 people voicing concerns or approval of the proposed plan, which along with trapping includes lengthening the wolf season, allowing electronic calls, letting hunters or trappers take up to three wolves and eliminating quotas.

Commission members noted that these are only tentative proposals and there may be changes once they adopt the final regulations for the wolf season at their July 12 meeting in Helena. They added that the public will have until June 25 to submit additional comments, and that FWP will hold five meetings throughout Montana to discuss the proposal.

“It’s a good thing we don’t have to make a decision today,” Commissioner A.T. “Rusty” Stafne said after listening to four hours of comments. “We have 60 days to sort through everything you said today to determine where we want to go. This is not the end of it. I know myself, I haven’t decided.”
