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MT: Kalispell park unveils wolf exhibit

by Katy Harris – KAJ News

KALISPELL- A Northwest Montana state park center has introduced a new wildlife display that’s aimed at teaching people about a longtime Montana resident-the wolf.

Lone Pine State Park rangers unveiled its wolf exhibit, a project that’s been in the works for several years, to the public on Saturday afternoon.

Park rangers say just like the other animals featured at their visitor’s center, wolves are an integral part of northwest Montana, adding the display will help visitors interpret wolves and how they live, as well as how to co-exist with them

“Everything we have in our visitor’s center is animals from this area. It keeps it real and it keeps it current. What they’re going to see outside potentially is what we’re talking about so that they know how to react and what to expect,” Lone Park Manager Amy Grout explained.

The park was able to fund the new exhibit using a grant from Living With Wildlife Program and community donations.
