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MT: Wolf sighting reported in Polson

by MTN News

POLSON – A Polson woman reported seeing wolves chase deer through her yard on Dec. 28, according to a press release from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.

The woman saw what looked like a black and a gray wolf chasing deer behind her house. A tribal wildlife biologist measured the tracks, which were consistent with wolves’ size and gait. The biologist couldn’t confirm for sure whether the tracks were wolves, according to the press release.

On Dec. 30, a Polson-area caller reported seeing a partly eaten mule deer carcass near where the suspected wolves had been spotted.

Tribal authorities say wolves usually stay in rural areas, but the predators are spotted from time to time on the reservation. They advise staying away from wolves and reporting any sightings to the Division of Fish, Wildlife, Recreations and Conservation.

Gray wolves are about 2.5 feet tall, 5-6 feet long, 70-120 pounds, and have a broad snout and round ears. Gray wolves’ fur can be gray, black, tan and white.
