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NE Oregon Wolf Fitted With New Collar

NE Oregon Wolf Fitted With New Collar

Glenn Vaagen

SALEM, OR — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said the alpha male from the Imnaha wolf pack was fitted with a new working GPS collar Thursday. Its GPS collar stopped working back in May 2010. The alpha male was found in good condition in a trap set by ODFW on private land in Wallowa County, east of Joseph. He was tranquilized, fitted with a new collar, and released.

The trap was set as part of efforts to catch and kill two uncollared wolves from the Imnaha pack, to reduce livestock losses by wolves in the area. ODFW said wince two uncollared wolves have been killed, the traps have been removed traps from Wallowa County.

“We hope the experience discourages the alpha male from returning to this area, which is private land with livestock operations,” noted Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator.
