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OR: Wolf issues beyond Oregon borders help set scene for Monday meeting

By Bill Monroe | For The Oregonian/OregonLive

Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Commission will address the delisting of the state’s wolves when it meets in Salem Monday.

The staff of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has recommended a statewide relaxation of tight protections. The staff report is available online.

But thorny wolf issues are under close scrutiny across the entire Pacific Northwest, from wolves being hunted (Montana) to being the hunters.

A window to the issues is the region’s Outdoor News Group, where other writers share their stories.

Recent interesting pieces about wolves appeared on the blog of Rich Landers of the Spokane Spokesman Review. Click on the links to find:

Washington state biologists said they haven’t seen any significant reductions in big game numbers as a result of wolves. See a map of Washington’s wolf distribution and discussion.

Wolf/human interactions are bound to become more commonplace, as witnessed by the killing of a wolf in eastern Washington by a homeowner protecting his dog.

Finally, check out Landers’ account of elk hunters who encountered bold cougars.
