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OR: Wolves are on the move

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has designated two new Areas of Known Wolf Activity. The new areas are the result of two radio-collared wolves who have separated from their packs.

OR-25, originally with the Imnaha Pack had a long journey. It moved through the Columbia Basin, the southern Blue Mountains and the northern and central Cascades, ending up in the Klamath County area in May. OR-25’s new home is on the Sprague wildlife management unit.

OR-30 took a shorter trip. Originally from the Mt. Emily pack, it crossed Interstate 84 and has been residing in the Starkey and Ukiah wildlife management units of Union County since May.

Areas of Known Wolf Activity (referred to by ODFW as AKWAs) are created when wolves repeatedly use an area over time and become established there. To help minimize wolf-livestock conflict, producers are encouraged to use the department’s recommended preventive measures, which are given on ODFW’s wolf program website.
