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SE: Another wolf attack

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

Brandsbols farm in Gräsmark has been hit by a new wolf attack, the third in six days.

On Saturday night, the wolf was back in the paddock again and killed four sheep. Two lambs, one last year’s ram and a ewe have been killed and the wolf has eaten from the one lamb.

The sheep were in the pasture near the houses, about 25 meters from the houses when the wolf went on the attack.

Earlier in the week the County Administrative Board of Värmland decided on preventive hunting of a wolf inside the paddock and Mats Eriksson have been guarding their sheep at night but in the night when it was darkest he stopped watching for a few hours as it was felt that he would not be able to shoot the wolf. In the unattended hours the wolf was free again to attack.

A total of 24 sheep have been killed since Sunday.
