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SE: DALARNA A wolf pair shot – another couple moved

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

News P4 Varmland

A wolfpair has been shot and another moved from Idre area in recent days. Both couples lived in the reindeer herding area and was considered to be a danger to the reindeer there.

It was yesterday afternoon, a wolf pair was shot in Idre, near the Norwegian border.

The County Board had granted a protective hunt of wolves and also organized the hunting. The two wolves were shot from a helicopter.

The Environmental Protection Agency moved a she-wolf and her mate from the couple’s territory in northern Dalarna to an as yet undisclosed location further south in the country, according to TT.

The female, who is of Finnish-Russian origin, is considered important for the inbred Swedish wolf population, but must be moved because she has established itself in the reindeer herding areas in north county. It is the second time this wolf has been moved.

The Agency will notify where the wolves were released when the animal has left the release site.

Dala News
