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SE: Dogs in the same hunting party attacked by wolves

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

Yesterday two hunting dogs were attacked by a wolf. It was during a moose hunt in Hamra southwest of Ekshaerad – an area located in the wolf rich Jang territory.

“My dog ​​ran off after a moose. After an hour, my hunting companion’s dog went after a moose, too, and ended up the same mountain. My dog ​​had barked a couple of hours when it for some reason completely silent,” says Fredrik Byh.

What did your dog look like when it came back?

“The other dog was so much worse, when we finally got a hold of it. There were very many cuts and the dog was severely wounded. It was not a cheerful bunch who gathered this morning,” says Fredrik Byh.

We’ve talked with hunting party that does not let their dogs because there are so many wolves.

“We make every effort to trace the paths and so on. We had not seen any sign that there were wolves in the area,” says Fredrik Byh.
