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SE: Environment Minister: ‘Maximum 270 wolves in Sweden’

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

There should be between 170 and 270 wolves in Sweden. The Government proposes in his new predator bill, but the proposal met already by criticism.

“More consideration should be given to individuals and business owners in predator areas,” says Environment Minister Lena Ek (C).

SSNC chairman Mikael Karlsson says he is extremely disappointed and that the government of worst case opening to a search of over 200 wolves in winter.

According to Mikael Karlsson is the Government’s proposals very far from what researchers and authorities proved necessary to ensure the wolf population in the long term.

Why then, when the government a figure of 170 to 270 for the interval to be valid for the wolf population? Lena Ek (C) said during the press conference that there is “strong scientific research” behind the limits for all predators.

Centre Party in Värmland welcomes the Government’s proposals. MP Erik A Eriksson and Centre Värmland Chairman Daniel Bäckström writes in a press release that the Center has always had the goal of creating a sustainable predator policy, where good living conditions in rural areas combined with a favorable conservation status for the predators. They therefore think it is encouraging that the government has failed to agree on such a policy.

FACTS: The government wants the number of animals that are favorable for species conservation should be divided into intervals. This is to give more flexibility locally.

– The population is thus proposed to be at 170 to 270 individuals.
– bear population on 1 100-1 400.
– Wolverine at 500-600.
– Lynx on 700-1000.
– Golden eagles are measured differently, when you count the nesting pair. These should be at 150, according to the bill
