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SE: New predator law with the help of SD

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

The Government is getting support its predator bill when parliament makes decisions in the next week. The Sweden Democrats (SD) will vote for the proposal, writes Jakt och Jägare .

The bill proposes new standards for how big the predator populations should be. In all cases, the proposals are far below their current number. For the wolf it is suggested 170-270 individuals. That compares with the current population of about 400 animals.

S, V and MP are in their motions critical of the new levels. SD Commissioner Joseph Fransson told TT that he would have liked to see a broader settlement of predator policy, but that SD will now vote for the entire contents of the bill.

“Today there are about 400 wolves in the country and the new law increases the chances for licensed hunting in the future,” says Gunnar Gløersen predator Officer at the Swedish Hunters’ Association, to P4 Värmland.
