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SE: Opinions on the number of wolves in Värmland diverge

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

42 percent of Värmlander are looking to reduce the wolf population. The figures show that Radio Sweden has produced in collaboration with Novus.

Swedish Radio numbers amaze neither the Predators Society nor the Hunters Association. Jan Berg, Regional Executive of the Predators Society in Värmland believes that the dissatisfaction among hunters has rubbed off.

“This year, two hunting parties quit the moose hunt, and it has spread to other hunters.”

Lennart Johannesson, chairman of the Hunters’ Association in Värmland, says that those who thought that the number of wolves was ok in 2010, said yes to the level that existed then. Now the population has increased manyfold, he says, and people have had enough.

“It is a natural development. We have had a sharp increase in the wolf population,” says Lennart Johannesson.

News P4 Värmlandsleden
