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SE: Right to shoot at wolves

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer


The domestic animal owner’s right to protect their livestock from predators attack – and maybe shoot the attacker – applies. Even if the predator is the publicized wolf in Skåne.

The appeal annuls the general administrative court decision about the Skåne wolf which must not be shot at all. The decision is contrary to hunting regulation. Under that law the owners first try to scare away predators attacking his cattle, but mat resort to kill the predator.

The Administrative Court’s decision was really about the issue of a controlled hunt of a wolf in Skåne, which eight times since late August has attacked and killed a total of 30 sheep.

The EPA has twice given permission for culling. But both times the decision was appealed by the Association Nordulv. The first time the administrative court ruled against the cull. The second culling decision has not yet been heard.
