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SE: Seven wolves shot second hunting day

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer


During wolf hunting the second day seven new wolves were shot. Despite bad tracking snow, the hunting has been successful, says Maria Falkevik, carnivore manager at the County Administrative Board in Värmland.

At 17 o’clock a total of 15 of 36 wolves had been shot in Värmland and Örebro county after Saturday. In Värmland, which has a quota of 24 total, has shot five.

“It’s very bad with tracking snow in southern Värmland, but three were felled there,” says Maria Falkevik.

The wolf that was wounde in Örebro on Friday was found on Saturday afternoon and was euthanized.

The issue of the hunt is in dispute. In addition to the Swedish organizations that are against the hunt, the European Commission questioned the Swedish position to allow licensed hunting, with the aim of limiting the number of regions. According to the SSNC is unfortunate because the wolf population is affected by inbreeding. Appeals are flowing into the Supreme Administrative Court in an attempt to stop the hunt.

This year the planned hunt was stopped in Värmland and Örebro for formal legal reasons relating to the right to appeal. The Administrative Appeals Court in Gothenburg overruled the Administrative Court’s decision and thus the hunters were freed to hunt.

After the Administrative Court’s decision the provincial government in Dalarna also made a new decision on the license hunting wolves to be launched on 24 January. The decision concerns two territories and seven wolves.
