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SE: Winter wolf hunting was accepted by the court

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer


The Administrative Court in Lulea has rejected all appeals received about winter wolf hunting. The boards’ decisions on licensed hunting of 24 wolves in four counties thereby remains unchanged. The hunt begins just after New Year.

The hunting decision was appealed by several wolf friendly organizations, but also by hunters in Värmland. The Administrative Court considers that decisions were properly motivated, including with the aim to improve the ability to maintain domestic animals in wolf counties.

The decision means that hunters can shoot six wolves in Dalarna, six in Gavleborg, six in Värmland and six in the area around the border between Värmland and Örebro.

Starting this year, all questions about the hunting of wolves were gathered at a single administrative law court, in order to simplify the decision-making process. The decisions of the county administrative boards have also come before the fall.

The judgment can be appealed to the Administrative Court of Appeal in Sundsvall.
