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SE: Wolf is going north again

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer


The publicized female wolf ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, who recently was moved to Stockholm county, has gone north again. She is now in Tierp in northern Uppland.

“She’s gone 30 km due north every night since she was released,” says Magnus Kristoffersson the Environmental Protection Agency.

The risk there is that she once again go up to the reindeer herding area.

“But last night she stopped and walked a bit back. I am not completely in despair,” says Kristofferson.

What drives the female to constantly seek out the reindeer herding area is unknown. In previous treks through Sweden, she has proven to have killed deer. On those occasions when she had been with a male, she has also helped to kill moose. But eventually, she still had settled in areas with reindeer.

“Reindeer are easily accessible food. They are easy for a wolf to kill. Deer are faster and harder to take down. But what the reason is no one knows,” says Kristofferson. “Another reason could be that there are wolves in much of central Sweden nowadays. This means that it can be difficult to find suitable territory there.”
