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SE: Wolf killed sheep in Skåne border region

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

A wolf is running rampant in the border regions of Skåne and Småland and has in recent days killed nine sheep.

Last Monday was found in Emmaljunga on the Skåne side of the border six dead lambs and an adult and same day two more dead sheep – a lamb and a ewe – in southern Århult south of Markham on the other side.

According to Bertil Nilsson, predator officers at the provincial government in Skåne, it is impossible to say whether the sheep were killed by the same wolf that ravaged the southeastern Skåne in August and early September, and that was where it attacked and killed 34 sheep.

Since then, no one has observed the “Skåne wolf” and no new sheep are found dead is why experts assumed it had moved and found a new home range.
