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SE: Your suggestions can influence the future of the wolf

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

After the lively debate on wolves in Värmland and the rest of the country opens the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday a Web page for the wolf. They want to get the public’s suggestions for a new wolf management plan.

Submit suggestions to the draft for wolf management

Wolf Consulting page accessed through  the Environmental Protection Agency website. The website is open until Saturday, May 5th at 16.00. So far, around 90 comments received from the public.

EPA has already receiving many public comments in the wolf issue and it seems the Environmental Protection Agency that the site is needed. The website is primarily about how people are easier to live near the wolves.

“We hope to get suggestions for good action in the framework of the one relating to coexistence between wolves and humans”, says Ruona Burman at the Environmental Protection Agency. 
Hope for discussion of the damage from the wolf and the fear of the animal is under three headings that EPA would have comments from the public. Partly it’s about proposals relating to the damage caused by wolves. There, among other things, received comments on the fences that sometimes there is about a sheep herd must be maintained, in several cases, namely the broken fence opened the way for the wolf.

EPA would also like to receive suggestions and comments about people’s concerns about the wolf.Previous public comments reveal a desire for more and better information. 

Your views can influence the future of the wolf
 The last bit is about how EPA then must make the most of your visitors’ opinions.

The idea is the general public’s proposals might affect the new wolf management plan by directly taken into the first version of the plan or processed to come up later. The website is open until Saturday afternoon, May 5

Roger Bergvik