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Sleeping with wolves

Sleeping with wolves

By Jill Barrall
Copy Editor
Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Eleven local Girl Scouts, two adult Girl Scout leaders and two more adult chaperones embarked on a wild, learning adventure last week.

Traveling to the Wildlife Science Center in Forest Lake, located about an hour north of Minneapolis, the group discovered a world of wolves and wildlife.

One thing they learned is that just as in human families, there is a hierarchy in a wolf pack. The wolf pictured here may look menacing to man, but she’s not the top dog. Her head and tail are down, not because he’s creeping toward a meal, but because the alpha male is nearby. Her posture is a sign of his

What happens when a submissive wolf challenges the leader’s authority and tries to become the alpha wolf? These girls saw firsthand during their overnight stay among the howling wolves of the pack.
