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State Wolf Count May Soon Hit 400

State Wolf Count May Soon Hit 400

Wisconsin Ag Connection – 05/05/2004

Results of over-winter wolf surveys that estimate the current population of wolves in Wisconsin at around 400 animals reinforce a recent decision by the state Natural Resources Board to remove the species from the state endangered and threatened species list. The DNR says wolves will continue to be protected in Wisconsin under state and federal law, but wildlife officials say the change will eventually give them more control over dealing with problem wolves.

There now are between 373 and 410 wolves in Wisconsin, according to Adrian Wydeven, mammalian ecologist for the Department of Natural Resources. DNR biologists and volunteer wolf trackers recently completed an estimation of the 2003-2004 over-winter wolf population. The estimate included 109 packs, or groups of two or more wolves, and at least 13 lone wolves. Twelve wolves were located on Indian Reservations. The total count outside of reservations was 361 to 398 wolves.

“The growth of the wolf population has been a success story for wildlife management in Wisconsin,” Wydeven said. “But their growing numbers also require that we have a responsible management system that quickly addresses any problems caused by wolves.”

The Natural Resources Board, which sets policy for the Department of Natural Resources, approved removal of the gray wolf from the state list at its March meeting.
