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WI: Wisconsin DNR will gather feedback to decide quota for wolf hunting season

By Stella Porter

MARATHON COUNTY, Wis. (WSAW) – We’re learning more about the wolf hunting and trapping season set to begin in November 2021.

The DNR will soon hear public input and consults with the tribes to come up with a wolf quota. The formal process will begin in 2021.

The DNR says that plan will help them control the animal that’s greatly expanded in northern Wisconsin in the last 20 years.

“The goal is always to have wolves on the landscape that can supply sustainable use and that have their impact in the ecosystem intact,” said Keith Warnke with the Wisconsin DNR.

The quota will be decided and brought before the DNR board sometime next summer.

The DNR is getting feedback from the public and the tribes about a wolf hunting and trapping quota.

The DNR’s goal is to manage the growing wolf population without diminishing it. That means taking into account very different perspectives on how far management should go.

“Certainly tribal consultation and public input go into the equation of managing a healthy, thriving population, and I have no doubt that we will be able to do that,” said Warnke. “It’s a matter of working with the various vast publics.”

Newschannel 7 reached out to The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission about what perspectives Wisconsin tribes may offer the DNR.

They weren’t able to go on camera Wednesday, but they say the tribes see wolves as an important part of the land. They say tribes will likely be hoping for a relationship plan rather than a management plan.

The agency announced the season would begin Nov. 6 2021, after the gray wolf is taken off the federal endangered species list.
