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Wolf control to be topic today at UAF

Wolf control to be topic today at UAF

Saturday, April 12, 2003 – Staff report

When members of the Resource Management Society were seeking ideas for their annual speaker at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, having a panel discussion about wolf control was one proposal.

Several months later, as the public learns more about Gov. Frank Murkowski’s plans for wolf control in the McGrath area, their timing couldn’t be better.

Each of the five panelists scheduled to appear from 3-5 p.m. today at Schaible Auditorium in the Bunnell Building on campus is deeply involved with the issue and run the gamut from policy makers to biologists. They are:

* Pete Buist, a Murkowski appointee to the Board of Game and a staunch supporter of wolf control.

* Julie Meyer, a wildlife biologist who was a Gov. Tony Knowles appointee to the Board of Game.

* Pat Valkenburg, research coordinator for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Wildlife Conservation.

* Mike Smith of the Tanana Chiefs Conference.

* David van den Berg, a former member of the Northern Alaska Environmental Center.

Organizers have roughly an hour’s worth of questions planned for the panelists, then will open the discussion up to questions from the audience.
