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Wolf Web site unveiled

Wolf Web site unveiled

Seventeen western environmental groups have launched a new Web site that they say delivers “just the facts” about wolves.

The Western Wolf Coalition, comprised of 17 conservation and wildlife organizations, launched Thursday. The Web site features data and reports from wildlife agencies in the states of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, top wolf biologists, and news sources from around the region to dispel myths about wolves in the northern Rockies.

Visitors to the site can learn about the natural history, biology, and pack structure of wolves, according to a news release. The site also provides data compiled about depredation rates on livestock, assesses the impacts of wolves on hunting in the region, and discusses methods available to livestock producers to reduce conflict with wolves.

The coalition of conservation groups behind has also launched a public information campaign, using newspaper, radio, and banner ads in select western communities. These ads began running in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming this week.

The groups, which have advocated on behalf of wolves for years, say they hope the new site helps dispell myths about what they are calling the most misunderstood of all species in the region.

“Learning to live with wolves begins by understanding them,” said Melanie Stein, a Sierra Club representative in Wyoming. “We believe this website will be a valuable resource for westerners who want science-based information about wolves in order to make up their own minds about how the species should be managed.”

Jason Camp of Belgrade, speaking for the Montana Stockgrowers Association, said ranchers think good science based information about wolves is a great idea, so long as it’s presented in a fair, unbiased manner. He said he plans to check out the new site.

The Western Wolf Coalition organizations include Conservation Northwest, Defenders of Wildlife, Endangered Species Coalition, Friends of the Clearwater, Idaho Conservation League, Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, Keystone Conservation, National Parks Conservation Association, Oregon Wild, Selkirk Conservation Alliance, Sierra Club, Western Watersheds Project, Western Wildlife Conservancy, Wolf Education and Research Center, Wolf Recovery Foundation and the Wyoming Outdoor Council.
