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Wolves trapped after killing cows

Wolves trapped after killing cows

CODY, Wyo. – Three wolves were trapped north of here Friday after three
calves were killed on U.S. Forest Service land.

The wolves, members of the Sunlight Basin pack, had apparently attacked
the calves over the last two weeks, according to Mike Jimenez, Wyoming’s
wolf project leader for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Fish and Wildlife put out traps out for the wolves last week after calves
were killed on grazing land near Russell Creek.

On Friday, Jimenez found three wolves, a young male pup and two adult
females. One of the females was euthanized while the other received a new
collar. The pup was also collared.

The Sunlight Basin pack now has about six pups and eight to 10 adults.

Jimenez said the recent incident is the first time this year that wolves
have been reported to be preying on livestock in the Sunlight Basin area.
