January 2, 2021
CA YK: 57, 000 year old wolf pup discovered frozen in Yukon permafrost
December 21, 2020
Book explores the fall and rise of wolves at Yellowstone, and how the park’s ecology is recovering since their return
December 19, 2020
These Non-Lethal Methods Encouraged by Science Can Keep Wolves From Killing Livestock
December 11, 2020
Gray wolf population in peril unless Biden restores ‘endangered species’ protections
November 25, 2020
Why red states want to seize control of the Endangered Species Act
November 18, 2020
Wolves Alter Wetland Creation And Recolonization By Killing Ecosystem Engineers
November 14, 2020
Wolves preying on beavers in Minnesota reshape wetlands
November 14, 2020
Using Wolves as First Responders Against a Deadly Brain Disease
November 12, 2020
Wildlife groups challenge Trump administration on gray wolf delisting
November 9, 2020