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SE: Go-ahead for wolf hunting in Stockholm County

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer


The Stockholm County Administrative Board granted the cull of a wolf in the so-called Sjunda territory, between Södertälje and Gnesta. However, the County Administrative Board in Södermanland rejects culling on its side the county border.

The reason that the Stockholm County Administrative Board grants hunting wolves in the territory they are agressive and they cause great harm. Then, just before midsummer, they have had five attacks and destroyed a total of 58 sheep.

But the provincial government in Södermanland does not consider that the wolves have caused or threatened to cause any significant damage on its side of the county border.

Previously, the Environmental Protection Agency tightened security ahead of each decision on the hunting of wolves, reports P4 Jämtland. After that individual officers have been threatened and identified in social media and are always making assessments of the security situation before making decisions on wolf hunting.

By July increased security in connection with that authority took the decision not to stop the cull of a wolf in Dalarna. The authorities decided to place security guards at the front desk at the offices in Östersund and Stockholm.
