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SE: The number of wolves decreases in the county

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

VÄSTRA GÖTALAND There are both lynx and wolves in the county, but the latter have declined in number.

“Above all, we have no stable family groups, it is about solitary individuals,” says Nelly Grönberg for the provincial government.

Each winter, an inventory is conducted of the number of predators in the country’s counties. Since the end of the month the survey has been completed regarding inquiries about both lynx and wolves in Västra Götaland, and there has been exceptionally favorable conditions for tracking animals.

“We often complain about the bad winters, but this winter there have been longer periods of snow. Better, one can not expect,” says Nelly Grönberg, who is the inventory manager at the County Board.

The inventory is done through a combination of tracking, tips from the public and some 30 cameras placed in strategic locations, based on the track and tips to get into. The lynx has managed to have 14 litters, that is, females with new kids, since last year. But Nelly Grönberg thinks it really is more.

“We have had very great help of the cameras, but we still manage only partially. I can extend myself to saying that 14 is an underestimate,” she says.

As for the wolf has not been found any new litters. In Svartedalen, between Lilla Edet and Kungälv, it is believed that there is a single individual, and in the area around Ed there are two single territorial marking wolves. In the latter case as if the father and daughter, where the female was born in 2014. Earlier in the year there was a territory marking couple in Dalsland, but they seem to be gone.

“We have no reason to believe that they have left the area voluntarily. It is not a natural movement,” says Nelly Grönberg.

Nowadays successful wolf pairs rarely stay together for more than one season. It has over the years been able to see some wolf individuals who have voluntarily left their partners to form pairs with another wolf but it is not the rule. The couples generally hold together and get more litters before one of them dies of old age, sickness or an accident. According to Nelly Grönberg there is no natural explanation for why so many wolf pairs in Sweden do not hold together more than one season.

“One can not exclude that it is due to human influence,” she says.

The results of the inventory will be compiled in a joint Scandinavian report by summer, and then begin the next inventory again on 1 October. The provincial government wants to encourage public tips if you encounter tracks or see predators.

“It can give us an idea of ​​where it might be worthwhile to place the cameras.”

