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SE: Wolf in Kronoberg may be shot

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

Växjö / TT

There will be a protective hunt of wolf Kynna suspected of having attacked several sheep in southern Sweden. The Environmental Protection Agency made the decision on Friday morning, reported Swedish Radio Kronoberg.

The EPA justifies making its decision with the many dead animals in the area. The wolf suspected has attacked over 20 sheep since August.

“To remove this wolf does not impede progress towards favorable conservation and together with the large number of frequent attacks, we concluded that we can allow a protective hunt of this wolf,” says Ruona Burman, game coordinator at the Environmental Protection Agency, to SR Kronoberg.

The wolf comes from the territory Kynna in Norway and has been through a radio transmitter followed on his journey through Sweden.

The decision is based on the affirmative opinion of the County Board of Kronoberg and Viltskadecenter.
