NY: Wolf to be featured of Colton Winterfest
January 17, 2016
Yes, eastern coyotes are hybrids, but the ‘coywolf’ is not a thing
November 20, 2015
VT: State says coywolves are no myth
November 8, 2015
NY: ‘Coywolves’: Why are coyotes here bigger, different than out west? (video)
November 7, 2015
Eastern Coyote Is A Wolf-Coyote-Dog Hybrid That Has Become The Northeast’s Top Predator
November 5, 2015
NY: Wildlife center invites public to see wolf pack in action
October 13, 2015
NY: WCC claims wolves are the future
August 21, 2015
NY: Should we bring wolves and cougars back to the Adirondack wilderness?
August 20, 2015
CO: Wildlife: Possible Black Hills wolf sighting spurs calls for increased hunter education to avoid accidental shooting
August 20, 2015
NY: Adirondack wilderness group wants wolves, cougars restored to New York’s wildlife action plan
July 15, 2015